Hu'u Sumbawa 孩子們的衝浪俱樂部 - By Jalian and Devon


每年夏天我們都會在印尼待上一整個月,這個地方似乎有一種魔力,一直在召喚著我們回去,不論是這裡的衝浪氛圍、當地的食物還是人們,這段旅程中我們居住在 Sumbawa 島上的村落Hu'u,這裡的groms(衝浪青少年)充滿了活力,見到面我們會熱情地互相打招呼,就像認識很久的朋友一樣,我看見在海上至少有30位grommets(衝浪青少年),用盡全力的追著每一道浪,當下我趕快拿著可以更好追浪的twin fin衝浪板和GoPro衝出去,想將這些畫面紀錄下來,當我一走下沙灘,一群孩子們向我圍了過來,雖然我的 Bahasa (印尼方言) 不太好,但我們不需要透過太多的語言,就能一起大笑、一起玩、一起交流、一起衝浪。
我和他們一起划水出去,衝在他們身旁紀錄下這些美好的時刻, 當一道浪進來時,每一個人都瘋狂的追了上去,孩子們期待著這些影像,裡面有自己帥氣的身影。
在海上他們用響亮的聲音為彼此加油打氣,無私的互相分享著這不太大的浪,大家一起追著同一道浪,也不會出現“這是我的浪,不要搶”的感覺。 我旅行過世界各地,但這些孩子讓我感覺很不一樣,像是重新上了一課,將我的生命注入了很多新的能量。
原文:This summer we had our usual month long stint in Indo, a place that always seems to call us back.  The surf, the food, the people, and on this particular trip we enjoyed the the energy of the groms at the little village break of Hu'u Sumbawa.  We pulled up to this perfect little wave to see at least 30 or so frothing grommets riding every piece of dribble with such stoke.  I decided to take my twinny and GoPro out to surf and capture these frothers.  As soon as the kids saw me walking down the beach, they all started charging me in a swarm.  My Bahasa (Indonesian dialect) is pretty slim but i didn't need to understand words as we were operating on pure vibes.  I've been a lot of places around the world but something about these kids and their stoke was a great refresher course on how to be. They were so vocal, cheering each other on and just having the time of their lives, by sharing a few waves together.  They all rode the same waves and seemed to have no concept of "my wave".  I paddeled out with them and they were swarming heavily as they saw I had a camera, and they all wanted their shot.  When a set came in, everyone screamed go, and I tried to ride behind them to film a couple of their waves...
原文:It was so fun and their energy got me fired up.  I was able to get their photos to a local elder on a usb, to hook them up for reminding me what fun in the water is supposed to be all about....

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