這是Saint-Jacques Wetsuit所創立的最初概念。Saint Jacques創立於2016年 法國南部,品牌以設計的思維,生產更時尚的高級訂製防寒衣,並保有產品必須的高性能。近年來許多功能導向的防寒衣品牌竄起,但多半的設計都偏向黑、素色,Saint Jacques決定跳脫框架,把更時尚、明亮活潑、細緻的元素帶入到商品中,而製作出「高級訂製防寒衣」。
Saint Jacques的商品,除了在布料印花的設計外,剪裁與車縫方式,也針對從事海上運動的客群,做了別出心裁的設計、製作。幾年下來,Saint Jacques也累積了不少海上專業運動者、海洋運動熱愛者的支持與肯定。未來,品牌也希望能把這些高級訂製防寒衣,帶向更廣的海洋運動市場。
“The way we dress is a way we have to express ourselves as individuals" - This philosophy is the basis that the Saint-Jacques Wetsuits concept was imagined and created on in 2016: to bring other alternatives to the completely standardized and sanitized market of today’s neoprene wetsuits.
Saint Jacques was born in the South of France in 2016 from the desire to offer a stylish alternative to a standardized world of wetsuits. Saint Jacques transposes classic fashion to neoprene with advanced-design thinking and no compromises on performances.
This idea came from a very simple statement. As the wetsuits technology evolved over the years, allowing surfers to venture into colder temperatures, the stylish good old days look of the first watermen was long gone. At Saint Jacques, we claim that the wetsuits on the market don’t have to be either black or bright colored ones.
Saint Jacques has, for the first time, successfully transposed urban street fashion (polo shirts, stripey jerseys, tank tops) using new technologies to pattern neoprene wetsuits. Our innovative collections are designed in France, using premium materials to achieve perfect and practical cuts as well as refined finishes.
More than a trend the Saint Jacques ‘ Wet à Porter ‘ motto is a philosophy and a way of life.
The time has come: Let’s add style to performance.
Since its launch we have been building on the success earned from professional riders endorsements as well as watersports enthusiasts and now, we bring some French touch to all ocean lovers regardless their sports or the water temperature! Now you can perform riding a wave, enjoy paddling across a lake, kitesurf your soul away or simply smile watching the sunset goes down wearing one of our premium “wet-a-porter” wetsuits.
16 products